cloud of smoke

美 [klaʊd əv smoʊk]英 [klaʊd ɒv sməʊk]
  • 一团烟
cloud of smokecloud of smoke
  1. A cloud of smoke was suspended in the air .


  2. There was a loud bang , and a cloud of smoke , and Miss Pross stood alone , trembling with terror .


  3. A great cloud of smoke billowed out of the chimney .


  4. The city is covered by a foul-smelling cloud of smoke .


  5. The white cloud of smoke floated away .


  6. The cloud of smoke mushroomed into the sky .


  7. Wade exhaled a cloud of smoke and coughed .


  8. Way off in the distance she sees a cloud of smoke .


  9. One cloud of smoke meant @ danger .


  10. The chemical plant emitted a cloud of smoke .


  11. That cloud of smoke is the rocket that brought Anna-Sophia 's experiment to the International Space Station ,


  12. A wide cloud of smoke rises silently over the large , devastated mountain .


  13. We used this door when a ghost came on or went off in a cloud of smoke .


  14. Eurydice disappeared in a cloud of smoke as soon as he looked back .


  15. When the volcano erupted , it sent this huge cloud of smoke and ash high up into the air .


  16. A cloud of smoke was suspended in the air . A sickle moon was in the sky .


  17. " Done !" says the angel , and disappears in a cloud of smoke and a bolt of lighting .


  18. About an hour later , the southern twin tower collapsed with a roar and a huge cloud of smoke .


  19. He fired up a cigar . He lit one cigarette , and blew a cloud of smoke into the air .


  20. she took a drag on her cigarette , and subsequently exhaled a cloud of smoke into the dog 's face .


  21. Well , that 's very good , isn 't it ? he said . Then nothing more . He just looked at me through the cloud of smoke .


  22. Sometimes , these gatherings get quite large . In Germany , in 1807 , people saw a huge cloud of smoke billowing over a church .


  23. A partially frozen turkey plunged into hot oil can send up a sudden cloud of smoke and oil that could cause a terrible burn , Drengenberg said .


  24. A video from a CCTV camera nearby shows a flash of light inside the building and then almost immediately a cloud of smoke pouring out from the shattered windows .


  25. Frustrated , Old Wolf destroyed the Malan flower , but received swift retribution in doing so , and evaporated into a cloud of smoke .


  26. He exhaled a cloud of smoke and said to himself : wow , today has been a good day ; you 've found yourself a father and this he is , the Yellow river .


  27. A dark cloud of smoke rose from the glacier , and scientists flew over the scene to evaluate the event , according to CNN affiliate TV2 Iceland .


  28. In the beginning , the planet upon which we live was ( as far as we now know ) a large ball of flaming matter , a tiny cloud of smoke in the endless ocean of space .


  29. After a second , a slight cloud of smoke was seen at the stern of the vessel , which rose gracefully as it expanded in the air , and then Franz heard a slight report .


  30. Wail , o gate ! Howl , o city ! Melt away , all you philistines ! A cloud of smoke comes from the north , and there is not a straggler in its ranks .
